DE2L Industrie bring experience, know-how and reactivity. Performance is our main objective.
Our aim is to help our customer achieve a progress in their market by being more efficient.
Our commitment :
• Development of a long-term relationship with our customers,
• Maintain lasting relations with our supplier and subcontractor.
DE2L Industrie can negotiate outstanding prices on your purchases.
Our aim is to assist you in your cost reducing process without changing the quality.
We help you so you can dedicate your time to other activities.
After all, we support you in the use of contracts and we negotiate periodically with partners.
Contact Details
Siret : 752 776 484 00012 - Code NAF : 4614Z
N°TVA : FR 05 752776484 - RCS Toulouse : 752 776 484
6, rue des Frères Peugeot, 31130 Balma - France
Phone. +33 9 84 15 10 41 - Fax. +33 9 89 15 10 41